Friday, May 20, 2011

Ignorance is Bliss

As my good friend Lynn used to say, "Ignorance is bliss" and on so many levels I have to agree.  A short while ago I got an email from someone who said, "enjoy the tribulation, I won't be here, I'll be in Gods hands"  Knowing where the email came from, I wasn't suprised by this so just brushed it off and deleted it then went about my business.  Another email came in which said, "jesus loves me"  to which I responded, "if I'm correct in my interpretations of the bible, Jesus loves everybody".  About an hour later this person came back saying she had been a follower of God even before she could walk and how God had spoken to her telling her it was time to stop sucking her thumb.  Good grief, I didn't even bother responding to that and once again, deleted that email as well.

I just don't get people.  There is such a hierarchy in certain people and have you noticed, and I'm probably gonna go to hell for saying this, but have you noticed that "Christians" are more judgemental of people?  NO, I'm not saying ALL but alot!  Most Christians are intolerant of so many social norms and they tend to preach whether you want to hear it or not.  I hate bible thumpers!  Hate is such a strong word, I know and I very seldom us it but I don't like their personal beliefs pushed down my throat either.  I don't push eating dandelion greens on people.  If it's not what they are into, I respect that and go onto another topic with common ground.  Usually the weather is a safe topic. lol

I have never stated my beliefs or denomination other than in private conversations and then it was a one liner if that.  I believe that if a person is the best person they know how to be, and they are constantly working on bettering themselves, are tolerant, understanding, have morals, help the unfortunate, and seek out the weak and make them know what I'm saying then I give kuddo's to that person and have respect for that person whether they believe in the bible or not.  We all have but one life to live and we must all walk our own path.  My path is not your path and your path is not my path but I'm a firm believer that no matter anyones beliefs, our paths were meant to cross at some point and whether we walk alone or side by side it's ok.

I have met some very cruel, spiteful, angy proclaimed Christians, how do I know they are christian?  Because they tell me they are better than I because they carry a bible in thier purse.  My question is: if I do not talk about my faith then how do they know I am not thier Christian sister?

If you have read this and are pissed off then perhaps you should take a good look as to why? 

as the last email I got from this lady read, "you are going to hell if you don't sleep with your bible tonight."  My response to this?  I blocked her emails. oh, and I didn't even feel guilty about it.


  1. I look at it this way. I post about my observances in nature, my photos, and of our living at camp...people don't have to agree with what I type, nor do they have to read it. That is their choice. Just as it is my choice to read their passions, whether it be religion, or whatever. I recently unfriended an old classmate that I always liked as a person until I got to know him as an adult. He pushed and shoved his ways down people's throats without so much as a thought of others who may be listening or even reading his posts. It got old really quick. Conversations go both ways. Some poeple just don't get it. I don't like "bible thumpers" who act like that man, nor those who preach politics and nothing else, or the type of poeple who think they are worthy of listening to and could care less if you are listening or not...they need to hear themselves talk is what it boils down to. Proving to themselves, or whatever. I don't blame you for blocking the email...I have blocked people as well (ie our long time friend from school.)

  2. hey thanks for the quote! It is so true about FB that you get friended by people of which they talk talk talk and they dont seem to listen/read. Yup, I'd rather not know them. I hate when people cant even try to see there are two sides to every coin, then there are the ones that just like like like and never say anything to you, they are either social butterflies %+% just flittering around or they are the steamrollers you speak of. I recently tried to ignore someone very antagonistic, but enough was enough..he isn't my friend in life, then why not show him the door? Winnie

  3. I don't think it is just Christians though. It is what you are exposed to. There are zealots of all religions, the most judgmental and over bearing often have their own "cross to bear", (for lack of a better term) and instead of self examining for flaws, choose to tell others what is wrong with them.

    Others truly mean their devotion. However; they are not the ones you will hear shouting out making sure everyone knows their faith, they pray quietly. My father was a prime example of that. He was an EXTREMELY religious and devoted Christian, but he never preached a word of it outside of church other than casual conversation. I never heard him judge anyone of bad faith, bad in their ways, or of a different religion.

  4. When I was down in Florida and worked at a Christian University I was never so awakened by religious ideation.

    I'm not saying that ALL Christians are that way, not at all and there are some very true Christians out there and I know a few But the ones who take it to extreme scare me. There are all types of addicts out there and they are not always substance abuse related. I am addicted to the idea of nature and it gives me a natural high when out in it but I don't force it on people or judge those who like the city-life.

    Your father was a good man. I am talking about the extremisttho who are too busy juding others they get lost in the whole concept of it all.

  5. Awesome... Just awesome....I applaud


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