Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Stuffy Sister-in-law from California

As I was collecting red clover blossoms for my tea and infusions, I couldn't help but think of my grammy Getchell with her long thumbnails hulling the wild strawberries we had just picked from the back field up in Patten.  The house sat off the Owlsboro Rd with Mt. Chase looking down on us from what seemed like just through the trees then quickly my mind went on to Grampy Getchell and how his family settled Getchell Ridge on Mt. Chase.  These thoughts made me smile while mindlessly picking clover blossoms and envisioning the whole scene as I remembered it as <!-- more --> a child.  Some of my best childhood memories came from that area and I was pleased to get the chance to talk to a man from Patten not too long ago who knew all the people I did back then.  Ahhhhh, such happy memories!

Anyway, as I was day dreaming of 30 years ago, I heard this faint, "Excuse me.  Hey, how ya doin?" from what seemed like miles away and I was suprised to see two people as close to me as they were.  The man had on a pair of jeans, white t-shirt tucked in with a slight belly protuding over his belt, white sneakers and a hat like my dad used to wear and he was grinning ear to ear.  The lady, whom I learned was his wife, was a small petite woman with graying hair in a pony-tail, jeans, what looked like a freshly untucked tank top and what I would call 'shit kickers' on her feet.  In other words, they looked like her mowing sneakers.  This lady also had a smirk on her face but loving devious eyes that spoke volumes.  As they neared, the husband stopped about 20 feet from me, looked back over his should to a very out of place looking older woman.  I hadn't seen her and after I did I laughed.  Rude, maybe but I got quite the chuckle out of seeing her in a huge bonnet-type hat with a huge plastic, tacky as hell, daisey on the side.  I couldn't see her face due to the wide brim on the hat and she was looking down at her feet walking as if she was avoiding walking on snakes in a snake pit.  It was funny as hell to watch her.  She was swatting flies or something and mumbling something with each step.  When I laughed the first lady, (she said her name was Gailee) sighed and said, "do you believe she's my sister!  Look at me and then look at her.  God help me, I need a drink!"  I burst out laughing, reached out my hand and introduced myself.  Her husband, Stevie turned back around saying "Lordy lordy lordy, I'm glad I married this sister" and pointed to his wife.  Again I laughed.  The couple reminded me so much of my mom and dad that I instantly felt comfortable with both.  Now, as for the sister, well, she was something else!

The dress the sister had on was light blue and it looked like Walt Disney had throw up all over it or on it until she came closer and found the cartoon characters were actually flowers and not a one of them did I recognize as being any kind of flowers I had ever seen before.  She had on sandals with yet again more gaudy plastic daisies on them.  tacky as hell.  She came up and stood beside Gailee huffing and puffing, fixing her hat and checking herself all over for something.....I'm assuming bugs but can't be sure, then she squirmed, stood up straight and proper-like and for the first time I saw her face which was plastered with make-up.  It almost jumped the crap out of me and I'm pretty sure I did the one-eyed eyebrow raise.  Gailee laughed and said, "see?  my sister" and did a side nod towards her.  I laughed, extended my hand to introduce myself but she just looked at my hand and took a deep breath, looked at me and said, "hello."  Instinctively I looked at my hand to see if it was dirty, I mean I had been out foraging for a few hours so they probably were green from thistles, sticky (pitchy) from gathering milkweed and for the past few minutes before these people arrived I had been gathering clover blossoms but when I looked at my hand it was fine and green free. Gailee said, "oh for Christsake, has California made you rude as well?"  Again I laughed but more quietly this time. 

It was around this time when Stevie said they had driven by about an hour before and saw me peeling something I had just cut in the tall grass which struck up a conversation pondering as to what I could be doing  between him and his wife, so on the way back they had decided to stop and take in the Kenduskeag Stream scenery and when they saw me again, they thought they'd inquire as to what I was doing.  I told then I was probably peelig thistle and then dug out my ziploc bag to show them.  They were both quite excited to learn more about eating this prickly plant so I brought them over and demonstrated how it was done without being pricked. I got pricked anyway but not bad.  Once I had it all peeled I asked them if they want to taste it.  They had both heard about eating it and had heard it was good so they each took a bite and both liked it, like everyone I know of who has ever tried it.  Gailee joked to her sister saying, "here, try some" appearing to really enjoy the taunt.  the lady didn't want anything to do with it and wrinkled up her nose saying, "I'll buy it pill form thankyou."  the man asked me what I was doing with the clover and I told him it was for teas and the such and how I planned to prepare it for storage etc. We struck up good conversation about eating this and that and I was really enjoying the conversation but it was at this time the sister, still swatting at something, bugs I presume, said she was going back to the vehicle and once they were done eating 'waste grass' she would be waiting for them in the van.  I couldn't help but laugh.  As she walked off Stevie said she went out to California from Maine when she was in her early 20's 50+ years ago and this was the first time she came back to Maine because as what she says apparently is, "Maine is full of trees and hippies".  He had quite a chuckle over that and added looking at his wife, Gailee,"'she's a bit stuffy, thank god I married you".  I have no idea what the stuffy lady's name was but Gailee and Stevie left thanking me for not judging THEM.  LOL I loved their humor.  He then added as they started walking away, "sorry again for my sister-in-law from California, I'd like to be in her back pocket when she tells all her friends at the tea and fish egg eating party about her trip to Maine, damn how much fun that would be to listen to.  I can hear them all gasping now,"  He then waved and walked away then Gailee turned around and said, "you think your encounter was fascinating, I bet the waitress at the place we ate at lastnight is still recovering, she ordered her meal in french!  Does it get any better than that?" 

Omg, I loved these two!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Homeless and Begging For Food in Maine.

The other day I went for a walk.  The sun was bright, the wind had a chill in it, humidity was low and spirits high.  As I got closer to the interstate overpass on the main drag, I felt my anxiety rise and my stomach felt like I had butterflies on crack in there and my breathing was shallow and rapid.  Yeah, it's pretty clear to me I have a slight fear of bridges and over passes.  Anway, I calmed myself by humming and forcing controlled breaths and as I walked over I-95 I couldn't help but notice how low the rail was and being the whimp I am, I put my right hand up to the side of my temple area shading my eyes from all peripheral view to the right of me, hiding the busy cars racing by just feet below me. 

Once to the other side of the overpass I took my hand down and came to a stop walk.  I looked for a button to push but there was none so I waited patiently for the walk light to signal it was safe to cross in front of the people getting off I-95 North bound.  It was noon and I was surprised at how many cars were traveling at that time of day and ended up standing there for quite some time.  I had decided the light was broken so I would just cross anyway between the stop and go cars.  As I stood there waiting for my move, I caught movement to my right about 15 yards or so from me. There, back to to me leaned up against the guard rail, appeared to be a young woman dressed in brown sweatshirt, brown wavy hair pulled back into a ponytail.  Her blue jeans were as baggy as her shirt and both were very dirty and it appeared she had been wearing them for quite some time.  Her hair looked clean what what I could see from back to. I brushed her off figuring she was probably waiting for someone she knew to get off that exit. And confirming my thought after studying the reactions of 'blankness' from each passenger as they drove by her reassured me she did not look to be in any trouble and was just there waiting for someone like I first thought. Until she turned slightly then I saw she was holding a cardboard sign.  At this point I just figured she was probably a hitchhiker trying to make it to Bar Harbor or some place and stood there waiting for my chance to cross the ramp. 

As I stood there watching traffic, people and this person holding the sign, it was then she dropped it.  I was close enough to read two very clear words FOOD and HOMELESS the other words were too small for me to read.  She reached down and picked the sign up and leaned casually against the rail again.  Instinctively I took a step towards her but then for some reason I paused.  When I did there was this man in a truck waiting to pull out onto the main road.  He had his window down.  He looked at me, looked away, then at me again, then in his rear side view mirror, the turned his head out the window looking at the woman holding the FOOD HOMELESS sign he had just passed moments before.  He then back at me and then looked down at the seat beside him, looked at me tagain then back at the woman holding the sign.  He leaned out the window opened his mouth but didnt' say anything, then reached beside him and held out a Mc. Donald's bag and said "Hey".  the lady holding the sign turned and took the bag from him, said "thanks, I'm going to go over there and eat it" with no emotion at all then ran across the main drag.  She took no time at all to climb over the rail and down out of site under the overpass.  The man looked at me just as he had time to pull out.  I said, "Bless you" to which he gave a nod.  Just then the light finally changed saying it was safe for me to walk.

After I crossed the ramp and out of harms way of traffic I stood there looking across the road where the young lady had gone out of site.  I stood there for quite some time pondering and talking myself out of going after her.  I mean I really really really had to talk myself out of following this girl under the over pass! What was I going to do once I caught up to her?  Well, I wanted to explain to her there were 2 shelters in the area, free meals every day of the week and help if she needed it but I didn't. Why?  Because after my initial instinct of compassion passed and came back to reality and with rational thinking I reasoned the following:

1. Lora-Jean, you don't have any idea what could be waiting for you under that bridge.
2. Lora-Jean, you are no longer an outreach worker.
3. Lora-Jean, there are people you can call, such as outreach workers, police etc.
4. She may want to live that way or maybe she is just passing thru.
5. The Penobscot Sheriff stopped beside her holding the sign while in traffic.  He did nothing.  He asked nothing.  He said nothing.  He pretended he didn't see her. A blind eye if you will, so why are you so concerned if these other people aren't.  Are you reading something into something thats' not?
6. She is probably here every day taking advantage of people.

#6 is not a proud moment for me since I work at a homeless shelter! 

I do find it very interesting how each and EVERY single person who passed her in vehicles never spoke, waved, smiled at her but instead ignored a woman holding a sign for food.  Not once did I see the passengers sitting beside eachother in the cars acknowledge that they saw this lady asking for food! It was like they ignored the whole scene or maybe if I acknowledge her in any way then it becomes real. "If I ignore it, it will go away or it doesn't exit" mentality.  In many ways this is sad.  It is sad that I too could rationalize her standing there with a sign begging for food when I work at a homeless shelter and know of many resources around that could help her...if she wanted it that is. I also know it is NOT safe going into a homeless site alone.

I did end up calling a few people I know and passed the information along and am waiting back on a call as we speak since everyone I have called thus far keeps passing the buck.